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A newsletter about staying sane in the climate crisis.

Unthinkable (formerly Gen Dread) shares wide ranging ideas for supporting emotional health and psychological resilience in the climate and wider ecological crisis.


Frank writing, free delivery to your inbox. 


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Why the emotional angle on the climate and wider environmental crisis?

Have you ever felt real discomfort when buying a plane ticket because you don’t want to fly but another part of you really wants that trip? Have you ever cried upon reading that a species you love is going extinct? Have you ever lost a coastline you call home to the sea? Have you ever felt that a part of your identity is disappearing along with the stability of the climate? Have you ever felt abandoned by older generations? Have you ever dreaded our collective ecological future?

The age of eco-anxiety is upon us and climate-aware therapists are just a call away. Meanwhile, the afterglow of climate disasters radiates psychiatric trauma throughout the globe. We need to get wise about what is happening as well as what we can do to better care for each other and ourselves, so we don’t all lose our marbles.



Consider this newsletter the clearing house for new and emerging ideas to strengthen our collective emotional intelligence and protect mental health while we’re in this planetary predicament. Subscribe now to get full access! You’ll receive a mix of essays, articles, and interviews with pioneers shaping the landscape of climate mental health, directly in your inbox. 



Read the personal backstory to Unthinkable here.



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